Student review [72780] for University of Geneva

Student review [#72780] for Psychology
at University of Geneva - UNIGE

Geneva, Switzerland
1 month ago
My experience as a psychology student at UNIGE

My adventure at UNIGE has begun in 2019, with a surprising beginning of academic career in chemistry. Having discovered I wasn’t set for this field, the University allowed me, as it does to all students, to switch paths smoothly to begin a Bachelor’s degree in psychology. Since then, I have completed it and begun a Master’s degree. University of Geneva is a great public university that is usually accommodating, but lacks engagement in student needs and remains quite superficial. The buildings are great, though some are getting a bit old, but there is no campus to properly speaking, which makes up for a quite deceiving student experience. The study plan in my field is comprehensive, but it’s too much academically oriented, even though the majority of students plan to work in the field. Finally, it would have been great to have a major-minor system, in order to be able to broaden our horizons to other fields.

Programme: Psychology
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2025
Campus: Geneva, Switzerland
Career Prospects
Student Life
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