Is This the Most Flexible MBA in Germany? We Find Out | Student Reviews & University Rankings EDUopinions

Is This the Most Flexible MBA in Germany? We Find Out


An MBA is a huge commitment, especially if you’re not quite sure of the direction your career is headed in. In this case, choosing a fully customisable programme can help you cater an MBA to your current interests and increase your likelihood of a successful career afterwards. And we think we’ve found the most flexible MBA in Germany.

The new MBA at Hochschule Fresenius has been designed with flexibility, employability, and connectivity, enabling students to create their ideal MBA experience that aligns with their career goals.

But what else makes this MBA programme stand out in Germany? We spoke to Nicolas Bogs, Hochschule Fresenius MBA program director and co-head of the International Business School in Hamburg, to find out.

Nicolas Bogs Programme Director

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Flexible MBA in Germany: Key Features of the MBA at Hochschule Fresenius

Choose the Length of Your Degree

Students can study the MBA at Hochschule Fresenius as a standard 1.5-year degree or a fast-track, one-year programme.

The fast track is ideal for candidates who don’t want to—or can’t—take the full 1.5 years out of their career to study full-time. The curriculum for both degrees is the same, the only exception being that students on the fast-track programme can’t choose a specialisation.

Regardless of the length of degree you choose, you’ll follow the same comprehensive curriculum. This includes modules across various facets of management, including economics, marketing, leadership and digitalisation. Plus, the focus on Germany and Europe’s jobs market and economy helps students understand their career options afterwards.

Choose Your Campus

Study MBA in Berlin

Both the standard 1.5-year course and the fast-track MBA can be studied at any of Hochschule Fresenius’ four city-centre campuses in Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, and Berlin.

This location flexibility can be rare for an MBA programme. However, at Hochschule Fresenius, students can choose a location that works best for them and their future career options.

For example, you might choose a city close to home, a place you’ve always wanted to visit, or somewhere with a strong niche in your preferred industry or sector.

Choose a Specialisation

On Hochschule Fresenius’ MBA programme, students can choose from three specialisations or personal tracks. The options are:

  • Marketing
  • Business Analytics
  • Project Management

The track you choose will inform the projects you work on and the electives you choose. Specialisations are another way for students to craft an MBA programme that’s tailored to their professional goals.

The International Environment at Hochschule Fresenius

International Community Hochschule Fresenius

Hochschule Fresenius’ MBA programme was specifically designed to take advantage of the naturally international environment at the university.

“The program fosters a true sense of belonging through interactions with peers and buddies, campus parties, job fairs, and various events that create a dynamic community atmosphere, promoting what I call connectivity,” explains Nicolas.

“From personal experience, I cannot stress more how important this is.”

Hochschule Fresenius hosts a variety of activities and extracurricular events at its campuses across Germany, enabling students to make strong connections with their peers. These include end-of-semester celebrations, sports celebrations, and class trips.

International students can also access personalised Gerpersonalised courses while completing their degree. This helps students prepare for careers in Germany and allows international students to form closer bonds with German students while studying.

This is crucial as, although Hochschule Fresenius has a community of over 1,000 international students from 96 different countries, international students will be studying for their English-language MBA degree alongside many German students.

“To help international students to integrate into the local community, we assist in connecting them with German students and fostering a true sense of belonging,” adds Nicolas.

Support for Your Future Career

Hochschule Fresenius MBA Careers

An MBA can be a highly valuable degree for switching careers. So, MBA applicants are usually looking for personalised career support when making a decision about where to study.

As a University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Fresenius takes a practical approach to education. Every programme at the university, including the MBA, is centred around hands-on learning; MBA students can hone relevant skills such as data analysis and responsible leadership in interactive modules.

Outside of the learning environment, students can take advantage of additional services, including career coaching, counselling, and additional study certifications, to help prepare them for their graduate jobs. These are offered through the dedicated career portal StudyPlus and at the Career Centre.

“We have many superb career support services,” says Nicolas. “They are all geared towards empowering students to deepen their interests, harness their strengths, and align with their career goals, whether they have a clear career path in mind or are still exploring their options.”

When it comes to interacting with companies, MBA students have lots of opportunities. Hochschule Fresenius has developed relationships with companies, including Microsoft, Xing, Airbus, and KPMG, enabling students to access networking and internship opportunities.

“Our aim is to promote cross-cultural understanding and facilitate a smooth transition for international students as they prepare to launch or develop their careers in Germany,” concludes Nicolas.


If you’re looking for a flexible MBA in Germany, then the new MBA programme at Hochschule Fresenius should definitely be on your list.

However, Nicolas has additional advice for students interested in a highly flexible MBA programme.

“I recommend that students carefully evaluate their career objectives and aspirations in relation to the specialized tracks offered within the MBA program to ensure they align with their goals,” he says.

Additionally, before applying to the MBA at Hochschule Fresenius, make sure to take a look at the admissions criteria. Applicants don’t need to have studied business before, but they should have a bachelor’s degree, at least one year of professional experience, and English language proficiency.

“Finally, I encourage students to show a genuine passion for an international career and a strong interest in Germany,” Nicolas says.

“This will make the MBA journey at Hochschule Fresenius truly enriching and unlock a world of opportunities.”

Student Review of Hochschule Fresenius

Industrial Engineering ...
and International Management
Anonymous student
Well structured course

Basically, it’s a private university with a good reputation and also the lecturers are well educated and helpful. The course contains 60% of management-related modules and the remaining technical modules. For anyone who is searching for a techno-management course, I would suggest Hochschule Fresenius.

Programme: Industrial Engineering and International Management
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Cologne
Career Prospects
Student Life


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Written by
Abigail is a freelance writer specialising in higher education. She has lived in London and the Netherlands, and has a Masters degree in American Studies.

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