The Best Universities in Germany for Job Prospects | Student Reviews & University Rankings EDUopinions

The Best Universities in Germany for Job Prospects


Universities in Germany are known for their practical approach to teaching, giving students the skills needed for future jobs. Plus, international students in Germany can benefit from a lengthy student visa extension to help them find the right role after their degree. It’s these reasons that make it one of the best countries for getting a job after studying. But which German university should you choose?

Getting your future-self an exciting (and hopefully well-paid) job might not be the first thing on your mind when choosing a university, but it’s certainly an important aspect of higher education. Even if you’re not sure what you want to do after you graduate, choosing a university with a strong network and career support can make a big difference.

Student and graduate reviews are a great source of insights into this element to university study. Current students can give you an honest perspective on what support is available at particular universities, while graduates can speak to how easy it was to get a job after a degree.

To help you make a decision on where to study in Germany, we consulted student reviews data on EDUopinions. Our ranking tells you which universities in Germany are the best for offering career support, practical learning, and networking opportunities—and all data comes from real students.

So, read on to find out which universities in Germany excel in getting their students top jobs! For each university, you’ll be able to see the overall rating for career prospects given by students.

Best Universities in Germany for Job Prospects

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The Top 10 Universities in Germany for Job Prospects

Universities in Germany Job Prospects Ranking

10. Technical University of Munich (4.4/5 Rating)

TU Munich Best Universities in Germany

TUM prides itself on being an entrepreneurial university, encouraging students to form their own ventures after graduating. In 2022, TUM students founded a total of 78 companies, and the university has 20 unicorns among its alumni-founded startups. The university is also one of the best institutions in Europe for engineering studies, but also offers programmes in architecture, aerospace, and urban studies. Internships are a required part of many of the degrees at TUM, meaning you can’t graduate without gaining practical experience in your subject.

Student Review – Applied Computer Science

Applied Computer ...
Computer science review

I have received an exceptional education from this brilliant school for many years. I am delighted with the form of education. The atmosphere of the school and classes is lovely. I gained a variety of experiences from the available internships. The school management was helpful in resolving any issues, and the teachers are good.

Programme: Applied Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Munich
Career Prospects
Student Life

9. University of Potsdam (4.44/5 Rating)

University of Potsdam Germany

The University of Potsdam might be one of the youngest universities on this list (it was founded in 1991), but it’s developed a global reputation for quality education. Comprising seven faculties across three campuses in the city of Potsdam, near Berlin, the University of Potsdam ranks in the top-20 young universities in the world, and 21% of the student body hails from outside Germany. Potsdam has developed relationships with research institutes across the nearby region, enabling students to network with prestigious researchers in a multitude of subjects.

Student Review – Geology

Young but bold

The University of Potsdam is really big on research. The labs are sufficiently equipped and its position makes opportunity for collaboration with colleagues across Europe and the world. My research is in the physical sciences and it’s been an amazing experience.

Programme: Geology
Degree: PhD
Graduation: 2023
Campus: Potsdam
Career Prospects
Student Life

8. RWTH AAchen University (4.45/5 Rating)

RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen is known for its strengths in natural sciences and engineering. Recruiters across Germany have reported favouring graduates from RWTH Aachen in these subjects, with the university ranking in the top three for employer reputation. The university hosts 15,000 international students and faculty, and Aachen’s location in the west of Germany, close to Brussels, the Netherlands, and northern France, make it an ideal location for job hunting after your studies.

Student Review – Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Excellent university with industry connections

The university offers great education but also due to the huge amount of associations offers great ways to indulge in your fields of desire. Yes, it may be a very difficult Uni regarding the things thought here but this additional pressure in the end literally helps you become a better engineer. Would recommend but you have to keep pushing!

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Aachen
Career Prospects
Student Life

7. Munich BUsiness School (4.46/5 Rating)

Munich Business School Germany

Munich Business School is technically a department of the Munich University of Applied Sciences (below), but given its reputation in the field of management, it’s no surprise that the business school ranks on its own. The school prioritises small class sizes, with no more than 30 students in each group, allowing students to get more hands-on with their learning. Additionally, the Career Centre at Munich Business School has developed partnerships with popular graduate employers including Microsoft, Allianz and EY, so students can start networking early.

Student Review – Business Administration

Business Administration
My experience

The Munich School of Management provided me with an excellent education. The university offers a stimulating learning atmosphere and world-class academic offerings. I was able to realize my full potential thanks to the committed faculty and state-of-the-art facilities. The possibility of participating in international exchange programs and globally oriented courses particularly impressed me. This diversity has helped me see the world more broadly and equipped me for a prosperous international career.

Programme: Business Administration
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Munich
Career Prospects
Student Life

6. Munich University of Applied Sciences (4.5/5 Rating)

Munich University of Applied Sciences Best Universities in Germany

Now, onto the university that Munich Business School is associated with. Munich University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees across applied sciences and creative subjects, with most degrees offered in German. The focus on German-language lectures and seminars helps prepare international students for a career in Germany afterwards, though, naturally it requires prior knowledge of German. Not only do EDUopinions student reviewers rank the school high for career prospects, but it also ranks top among universities in Germany for internationality, owing to its national and international perspective.

Student Review – Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
My journey. Munich i love you.

A major highlight of my time at the university was participating in research projects, which not only honed my practical skills but also connected me with a valuable network of professionals in my field. The campus was buzzing with energy, offering a diverse range of events, workshops, and clubs that catered to various interests, making it a truly enriching experience.

Programme: Mechanical Engineering
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Munich
Career Prospects
Student Life

5. Berlin School of Economics and Law (4.5/5 Rating)

Berlin School of Economics and Law

Berlin School of Economics and Law has around 12,000 students enrolled on its Berlin campus, creating a close-knit research community. As a member of the UAS7 alliance of German universities of applied science, students can access a network of research partnerships and career networks. For students who are eyeing up a career as an entrepreneur after their studies, the Berlin School of Economics and Law also has its own startup incubator, which offers startup programmes and co-working space to new ventures.

Student Review – International Economics

International Economics
Anonymous student

Being a double degree master’s student at BSEL, I get to experience diversity in my class. The university has brought together students from various backgrounds and cultures which makes it a worthwhile experience.
Regarding academics, the International Economics Master’s provides a radical heterodox approach to the field of economics that is not very common at other educational institutions. Those students who want to excel in their career in Economics should consider applying to the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

Programme: International Economics
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2022
Campus: Berlin
Career Prospects
Student Life

4. University of Bielefeld (4.57/5 Rating)

University of Bielefeld

The University of Bielefeld is a so-called ‘Volluniversität’, offering degrees in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences across 14 dedicated faculties. With 25,000 students and a well-connected network of graduates, the University of Bielefeld has extensive careers support available, and the structure of degrees allows for in-depth learning. For example, on every Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, students can specialise through their ‘Individual Supplementary Area’, allowing them to gain additional insight in a preferred area or use the elective to study abroad.

Student Review – Criminology and Sociology

Criminology and ...
Anonymous student

Great course and a great university . The campus facilities were average but we made the best out of it . The university life was a good foundation for the life after and a career in multiple areas , it helped me keep my focus on more important topics and collaborate my way into new areas. I also learnt team work and knowledge transfer together with many international people who had similar or alternative subject background.

Programme: Criminology and Sociology
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2009
Campus: Bielefeld
Career Prospects
Student Life

3. Goethe University Frankfurt (4.57/5 Rating)

Goethe University Frankfurt

In the heart of Germany’s financial and economic hub, Goethe University is the largest university in Hesse, with 16 different departments across the sciences, theology, law, social sciences, and the arts. The university has a reputation for strong research, and has produced 20 Nobel Prize Laureates over its long history, and famed graduates include physicists, chemists and philosophers. Its location in Frankfurt means students have access to a huge network of organisations after graduating; big names including Accenture, BioNTech and Hyundai.

Student Review – Business Administration

Business Administration
Anonymous student
Top university with great career opportunities

I am currently a Master’s student in Business administration and have also graduated from Goethe University with Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business administration.

I am very pleased with the university as a whole. It is a privilege of having studied there. The organization of both study programs is very good and strict. One should be familiar with the requirements of the examination office. The teaching is very high-level. The lectures are held mostly by renowned professors or honorary professors from the industry. There are many initiatives and workshops which allow you to build a network of business connections in the finance world.

The first two semesters of the Bachelor (orientation phase) are the hardest and one needs to work very hard to pass. After that you are allowed to choose a specialization (finance & accounting, economics or management). In the final year, you can also choose among many elective courses which also provide more practical insights in the industry. The program is academic and requires lots of independent studying. At the beginning, the number of students is very high which might be a drawback sometimes. However, the number reduces significantly at the end of the Bachelor.

In the master’s program, the classes are of fewer students and group projects are often included which allows you to find contacts faster. There are only two mandatory courses if you choose a major in finance. Otherwise, the courses are elective which gives you the freedom to structure your master according to your interests and career preferences. The choice of courses is also diverse and rich.

Not to forget – the university has one of the best campuses in Germany, if not in Europe. The facilities and learning technologies are excellent and include a video transmission of some lectures.

Overall, I would definitely recommend both the Bachelor in Economics and Business administration and the Master in Business administration at Goethe University, especially for people interested in finance. The programs are indeed demanding, but ambitious students are rewarded and career opportunities are guaranteed.

Programme: Business Administration
Degree: Master's
Graduation: 2021
Campus: Frankfurt
Career Prospects
Student Life

2. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (4.62/5 Rating)

Best Universities in Germany Career Prospects LMU Munich

LMU Munich has the prestigious title of Bavaria’s first university—it was founded in 1472. Today, there are over 50,000 students enrolled on its programmes, which vary from quantum science to healthcare. The university holds around 125 career events per year, putting students in touch with a variety of employers in Munich and the wider region, including corporate partners such as Amazon, Siemens and McKinsey. With a global reputation for research quality, LMU Munich also scores top marks in the THE World University Rankings for its work with commercial industry, including the number of patents researchers develop.

Student Review – Applied Chemistry

Applied Chemistry
Overall thoughts

The program is excellent altogether. It covers all scientific subjects, from the most established to the newest and most popular ones in disciplines like marketing, informatics, and technology and innovation. For their age, academics are generally young, and they offer engaging lectures and tutorials. Tutorials are conducted in each class under the guidance of instructors. About half of the sessions are taught in English, particularly those that cover fresh academic subjects that you can specialize in at the conclusion of your bachelor’s degree.

Programme: Applied Chemistry
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2026
Campus: Munich
Career Prospects
Student Life

1. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (4.8/5 Rating)

Universities in Germany Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

So, here it is: the best university in Germany for student career prospects. Located in the heart of the city of Karlsruhe, along Germany’s western border, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) attracts international students thanks to its status as a national research centre of the Helmholtz Association, Germany’s largest scientific organisation. Consequently, students at KIT are connected to a vast network of scientific research facilities, including the German Aerospace Centre and the Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. Not limited to science, though, KIT has a large humanities department that produces cutting-edge research at the boundary between natural sciences and culture.

Student Review – Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering ...
and Computer Science
Anonymous student
Great university in a perfect student\'s town!

In my field of electrical engineering KIT is a perfect university to study at. They provide a large field of directions to specialize in, cooperations with companies as well as the tightly connected research facility in the north of Karlsruhe. A lot of international students and many student groups allow a broad student’s life where everyone can find a way to live out his or her passions. KIT is located in the southwestern town of Karlsruhe, which is of a good size for students, has interesting bars and some clubs. Furthermore Karlsruhe is a bicycle town, which means that you can reach every part of the city by bike. Highly recommendable.

Programme: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Degree: Bachelor's
Graduation: 2018
Campus: Karlsruhe
Career Prospects
Student Life


universities in Munich

According to our ranking, it’s obvious that there’s one place you want to be studying if you’re worried about job prospects: Munich.

As the capital of Bavaria, Munich is a hub for industries including manufacturing, financial services, IT, energy, and life sciences. However, the city has also been ranked one of the best creative hubs in Europe, meaning humanities graduates can also find unique graduate opportunities.

It’s also home to the headquarters of international companies including Siemens, BMW and Allianz. So, if you want to start a career in Germany, then you might consider some of the Munich universities on this ranking!

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Abigail is a freelance writer specialising in higher education. She has lived in London and the Netherlands, and has a Masters degree in American Studies.

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